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OCR: Apple Workstation Card System Requirements Workstation Requirements: Reuirements: Recommended Equipnent An enl hanoed Applr: I1c PED]O] workstation One of 1nore AppleShare file puter with 128K RAM menitor. onto 3T1 Appleshare file server servers (for r diskless startup and pue LocalTalk cabling initiaty one 1.5 -inch disk drive fle. -server access'i If 1ctwor doesni include an it workstation Ore of more Apple Laser- AppleShare file Wriler ImageWrier disk HAUT Image writer I.Q printers Additionak Apple q[xj?] Apple IT Workstation ard)or Appic IIc's cormputers for additionral U.STS Technieal Spercifcations Processot Memory Ports 65CU2 two-megahen. clok l6K KAM &pin rinicircular K ROM (RS-i22} ports One K.rt One super Dt Ordering Information Apple Workstation With your order. you'll receive: ...